
Having gathered quite a bit of information about Moore's Supreme and Awesome runs, I decided to create a home for the forgotten Awesome. Over the course of a year, I put it all together here.
Each week I did a main "Weekly Reading" post that was a read-through of that issue. I followed that up with a couple of other posts about topics from that Weekly Reading or whatever else I came up with to talk about. You'll find the lost Youngbloods in the Youngblood section and the fan-edit of the last Supreme in After Awesome.
Below is the archive of posts broken up by book. Thanks for checking the site out!
Book 1: Supreme: The Story of the Year
Book 1: Judgment Day
Book 3: Supreme: The Return
Book 4: Youngblood
Book 5: Glory
Book 6: After Awesome
Book 7: 1963
Book 8: Night Raven
Book 9: A Small Killing
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
New custom Supreme/Awesome hardcovers - parts 5 & 6
You can see the first two--two volumes of Supreme--here, Judgment Day/Glory is here, and Youngblood is here. Today, I've got the two volumes that have the least to do with Moore.
The first is called The Other Awesome Universe. It features series and issues that were put out by other creators during the Awesome years. It includes Jeph Loeb's Fighting American: Rules of the Game, The Coven (with a Supreme/Citadel crossover), Kaboom and Lary Stucker's Brigade (with Youngblood and Supreme connections). Brigade, Kaboom and the Fighting American miniseries were all really fun comics. Moore wanted a huge Awesome Universe and it's nice to have other comics to make it feel bigger than it was.
This hardcover's only special feature is a brief history of all of the other series and one-shots Awesome produced (even the awful ones, such as Jada Pinkett Smith's Menace).
The second hardcover is called After Awesome and features some of the series that used Alan Moore's Awesome characters and ideas in interesting ways. It features Joe Casey's Youngblood, Tim Seeley's underrated Bloodstrike and Warren Ellis's Supreme Blue Rose. It also has features on all of the series (to present) that followed Alan Moore's, including Erik Larsen's misguided Supreme run (I read them so you don't have to). It also includes an interview I did with Seeley about his run on Bloodstrike and how he saw it as an Awesome book published years too late. This is the perfect volume for seeing what happened next and Supreme Blue Rose makes a nice end for the entire Awesome universe.
Let me know what you think.
Those look great!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Now if only I could convince whoever owns all these works to actually reprint them!