Supreme: The Return #3
Published by Awesome Entertainment in November 1999
The covers:
Title: The Three Worlds of Diana Dane!
(As always: Supreme is currently out of print. There are a number of ways to read it, which can be found on the How do I read Moore's Awesome works page.)Five months after issue #2 appeared, issue #3 finally came out. I vaguely recall collecting these issues at the time and was always surprised when I'd get an issue. At this point, I'd long since given up on any hope they'd come out in a timely fashion. I just knew Moore was still doing the issues, and as long as he was, I'd buy the issues whenever they came out.
This being the downward slope of Supreme and Awesome, we need to welcome a couple of new artists: Matt Smith (who mostly goes by Matthew Dow Smith now) and Jim Baikie. Baikie is probably the better known to this audience, having worked on Moore's first long-form story in Skizz for 2000AD, and having co-created and done the art on First American with Moore in the Tomorrow Stories anthology.
Smith is mostly known for some Hellboy stories, and his style is very reminiscent of Mike Mignola. I've heard from more than a few Supreme fans that they didn't think Smith's art style worked on Supreme, but personally, I really like it. I think Smith's style pointed toward the more cartoony/stylized artwork that would become popular in comics in the years to come.

Or I could just be bullshitting because I love Supreme.

Supreme has invited Diana Dane to the Citadel and is showing her his telescope (not like that) so she can see the Backwards Zone and Emerpus, the Reverse Supreme, as he reassembles a comet and sends it flying backwards into space. He then takes her on a tour of the Citadel, where she sees his robot duplicates.
Diana: "Is that a robot duplicate of Ethan?"
Supreme: "Uh... yes. I'm planning suprematon duplicates of all my friends. I just never seem to get round to the others." Ha.
This is a nice callback to issue 43 when Judy Jordan asked almost the same question.

Diana: "I look like one of those tragic girls you see at conventions!" Ha. I wonder if Moore's feelings on cosplay have changed as it's become much more accepted in the last 20 years?

They return to the Citadel and decide to go to the Time Tower in part two of the story. Diana asks about Suprema and Radar, but Supreme says Suprema is after Slaver Ant (so soon after she was just caught?) and Radar was moody when Supreme mentioned that Diana was visiting. They decide to fly up in the Time Tower to 2150 and are soon in a Jack Kirby-inspired future, drawn by Rick Veitch.

In 2150, Supreme and Diana come across the female duo of Fighting American IV and Speedgirl fighting some "fezbollah" terrorists. Soon, the future Supreme, Supremax, comes in to lend a hand. Moore, with his usual knack for twisting the language, has fun with the mixed-up future. Although it's cleary all references to our times: "the disneyest thing" is the most amazing thing, "tysoned" the villains is to knock them out, etc.

(For some reason, Diana's shirt has now gone from white to red.)
Now Jim Baikie is drawing as Supreme leads Diana through a new golden gate to the Supremacy. They meet up with '50s Supreme and his Diana Dane. The Supremes head off while the Dianas head to the Supremall to hang out with the girls.

This section falls into Moore doing his Mad Magazine routine, with Baikie a good fit for the material, as Moore explained in a tribute to Baikie after his death:
"Several years later we found ourselves working together again, this time for Image Comics and its various splinter-companies, most memorably on Supreme, where I remember Jim contributing to a riotous comedic short piece that played with the most ludicrous and fondly-remembered tropes of early 1960s superhero comics, and gave Jim a chance to indulge his extreme fondness for Harvey Kurtzman and Will Elder’s anarchic and demented Mad extravaganzas."

We see Radar listening to them as we end the issue. I wonder what it means. Obviously we'll find out next week in "...And Every Dog its Day!"
While this issue is sort of hit or miss for me, I like that we've finally gotten a view of Emerpus and Amalynth, after so many references to them in earlier issues. Moore and Veitch's Kirby tribute is okay, but there's a much better one coming up. And I mostly dislike Moore's use of the Supremacy here. Even if his criticism of how women are treated in comics is well intentioned, it's so obvious and not particularly funny, that I think it drags the issue down toward the end.
In the back of the issue, we get a preview for Lary Stucker's Brigade, which I was surprised to find is better than I thought, but I'll talk about that and a lot of Awesome odds and ends in a later post.
As always, please check out the Supreme Annotations Page, for more details and references and please help me by letting me know anything I missed that can be added. Thanks!