Part of his plan was to set up the comics with his Awesome artists. He set up Tom Strong for his Supreme artist Chris Sprouse. He set up Top Ten for Youngblood artist Steve Skroce, though Skroce turned the series down. He set up Promethea for Glory artist Brandon Peterson, though Peterson turned him down, too. Alex Ross helped Moore find new artists for those two series. Tomorrow Stories featured some of his favorite artists in Melinda Gebbie, Rick Veitch and Jim Baikie (all three who had worked on Supreme).
I'm not going to get into all of the ABC series because there's not a ton of overlap with the Awesome work, but I do want to talk about Tom Strong now and Promethea in a separate post.
Rob Liefeld, when talking about the ABC line, said:
"...much of the ABC line is made up of poorly masked Awesome characters and story outlines he prepared for us. If I was as sue-happy and litigation driven as some suggest I be, I believe I could draw direct connections to many of the ABC characters and their origins coming from pages of Awesome work we commissioned from him. In short order, Tom Strong is Supreme mixed with his Prophet proposal."
Without being able to see the Prophet proposal, it's impossible to know if this is true. But let's look at how Moore handled Prophet in Judgment Day. He first appeared in the prologue in the Judgment Day Sourcebook:
So, at least on their surface, whatever Moore had planned for Prophet and what he ultimately wrote as Tom Strong were probably similar. But how does the comparison to Supreme come in? Well, there's actually a lot of overlap.
"Tom Strong is a character with a decidedly pulp background, combining elements of Tarzan, Doc Savage, Tom Swift and other pulpish characters, but of course with plenty of modern touches. When Alan and I first discussed the cover possibilities, he suggested we look at old pulp covers, as well as action-adventure and science fiction covers from all eras. With that in mind, we tried to give each issue a completely different style, while staying in those parameters. This was not a new idea in comics: Will Eisner's Spirit, and early issues of Mad Magazine come to mind as other examples, but it definitely added to the design challenge. Instead of just having one familiar logo and layout, with different art and colors each time, we were trying for a new look each issue (though there were some repeats)."
"We're firmly back in the pulp era for issue 6, with this great art by Dave Gibbons, which he began on paper and finished and colored on the computer. I gave him the title for the playing card, which he placed into his art. The logo and design were inspired by The Shadow, another great pulp era icon."
"Issue 13 was one of many direct comics pastiches we did, this one inspired by MARVEL FAMILY #1 from 1945. I had fun recreating Tom's logo and all the cover type in the style of the original, seen below. Artist Chris Sprouse did a great job of capturing the feel of the original while remaining true to his own vision of the characters."
"Another fun comics pastiche of FANTASTIC FOUR #26's cover by Jack Kirby, one of artist Chris Sprouse's favorites, and the second of three Kirbyesque covers on the series. Hey, if you're going to steal, you might as well steal from the best. As usual I had too much fun recreating the cover lettering, probably by Artie Simek, as seen in the original below."
Another stylistic choice Moore made was to split his Tom Strong stories into three-act features, just as he had done with his Supreme stories.
The content of the issues had a number of similarities to Supreme, too.
Supreme is a character who has been alive since the 1920s, with Tom Strong pre-dating him some, and surviving an extraordinary long time through the use of the Goloka root. He's an accomplished scientist, just as Supreme is, and he's very defensive of his family. Both families have talking pets with Radar and Soloman.
Supreme, through the Supremacy device, featured countless different versions of Supreme and his supporting cast. Moore also created alternative versions of the Strong Family, through the use of alternate dimensions. Do you need me to draw the parallels between Squeak the Mouse Supreme and Warren Strong the cartoon bunny version of Tom Strong?

In the pages of Supreme, a whole universe of silver-age heroes are abducted by the villain Hulver Ramik and put in suspended animation until they can be rescued decades later. In the pages of Tom Strong, Strong and Tom Strange rescue a whole universe of silver-age heroes who have been put into suspended animation for decades around the world of Terra Obscura.
Finally (appropriately enough), here is Moore's final page of Tom Strong when he ended the series with issue #36:
And here's how he ended The Story of the Year in Supreme, when he might not have been sure he was going to do a second year on the series:
And this isn't to say there aren't plenty of ways that Supreme and Tom Strong were different. As Moore answered that question himself:
"As far as I know, the only similarities between Tom Strong and Supreme are that it's me and Chris Sprouse doing them. With Supreme, when I was handed the character, he was pretty much a straightforward Superman knock-off. I was trying to make into a good Superman knock-off."
The ones that stand out are Supreme's Superman-like superpowers vs. Tom's upbringing and tribal medicine being one. Tom's family and kids vs. Supreme's bachelor. Tom Strong is more interested in pulp-style adventures vs. Supreme's more superhero-based stories. But there are similarities that are hard to ignore.
I've greatly enjoyed your looks at Moore's Awesome books and I always enjoy reading about one of my favorite periods of Alan Moore work, America's Best Comics!
ReplyDeleteThere are certainly similarities (and you pointed out a couple things I'd never considered here) between what Moore was doing for Liefeld and what he'd do with ABC, but it's mostly pretty broad similarities that come from Moore's interests at the time coming through in all his work. His writing was inspired by early-to-mid 20th century pulp and comic stories and his own magical beliefs. At least, that's my opinion on the whole thing.
Either way, I love all these books. It's safe to say Awesome and ABC are two parallel universes both coming from the same part of idea space.
Of course, they're absolutely two different things. One is about superheroes and the other is very much about pulp heroes and adventures. But I think you can clearly see Liefeld's point about how Moore got to Tom Strong and was continuing many ideas and techniques he started developing through Supreme. That he was doing it with Sprouse only heightened the similarities.
DeleteBut the distinction that I probably should have made clearer is that while there were similarities with HOW he told the stories, the stories themselves are very very different.
Supreme was very much about the adventures of these heroes with a through line of Supreme's relationship with Diana. It's a bachelor's story.
Tom Strong is about the family and how Tom goes from being raised with no family to forming this big, varied family unit.
They're both great books and saying that they're stylistically similar doesn't dismiss the great work Moore and Sprouse did on Tom Strong.
Yay! We're talking about Tom Strong!
ReplyDeleteI've never read Tom Strong (Currently hunting them down at my local libraries). But I do love the concept and ideas of Tom Strong.
I actually just finished reading Terra Obscura, TOP TEN, and TOP TEN 49'ers
I like Terra Obscurra, but love the Top Ten series. Look for Smax, if you can, it’s an underrated book, but one that has stuck with me a long time.
DeleteI finished reading Smax. It was definitely different and not what I expected in a Smax Origin Story. The art really took some getting use to, the super-mature material with the FairyTale-esque art was very jarring. I did like all scenes with ToyBox and the parody humor revolving Fairytale tropes.
DeleteHa. Yeah, it’s definitely different. I love Smax. It’s certainly jarring after reading the rest of the Top Ten books, but it has grown in my opinion with each re-read.
DeleteThe art is different, but since it came out, that more cartoony style of art has become more accepted, and I think it holds up better than, say, the digital painting of ‘49ers, which feels sparse.
The fairy tale humor is great and really adds to the world created in Top Ten. And I think the super-mature content is just a given with Moore no matter what the art. But that content is what makes the Top Ten stories so vital to me. Moore is taking these social mores (homosexuality, bestiality and incest) and challenging our views on them. The theme of acceptance and tolerance as the only way people can live together is really moving to me.
I definitely see what you mean about the art style. That "Thin-Line Cartoony" style feels like the norm now. (Especially when it comes to animated shows obviously.)
DeleteYour right about the Mature Content when it comes to Alan Moore. I probably should've seen that coming. lol. It was an interesting read.
On the topic of '49ers: I think I enjoyed more. I liked the characters and their arcs. As well as the gritty city atmosphere with the Vampire Mafia and prejudice of Robots.
Yeah, I enjoyed much of 49ers (though that newspaper headline device seemed a little underdeveloped). The characters were well done and I liked the story, but it all seemed rushed. And I'm not a big fan of that digital paint style Ha was using.
DeleteDefinitely seemed rushed and a bit short. Jetman, SkyWitch, Wulf, and Steelgauntlet were all great and relatable characters.
DeleteMy work-space is slowing down so I'm excited to catch up with this blog! Coincidentally, I just bought All-Star Superman! and finished reading the first issue of Tom Strong (reading online).
Quick Question: Do you need to read Tom Strong Volumes linearly? Or can you jump around the volume and still enjoy it?
Yeah, the characters in 49ers were truly great. It was just the plotting that I think let them down.
DeleteAll Star Superman is pretty good, so I'll be interested to hear what you think of it.
Tom Strong's first issue was one of its strongest, so if you liked it, give the rest of the series is pretty good, especially when they start focusing on the family. I don't think it needs to be read in order, but there are callbacks that will make a lot more sense. And there are some twists and turns that might spoil a few surprises.
Supremes costume and Tom strongs costume are inverted. Red pointed top ith white body. Tom has a white pointed top with red body (the inverted triangle is drawn large as to lend the same effect in most cases as to cover most of the chest)
ReplyDeleteYeah, they didn't really stray too far from the chest symbols, did they?