Never published by Awesome Entertainment
The cover:
Title: He Forgets Not His Own
(Later issues of Youngblood were never in print. The only way to read them can be found online. Obvious pseudo-lawyer language: If anyone who owns the rights to these issues/scripts has a problem with me linking to them or posting pages from them, let me know and I'll remove them.)Welcome to the double-sized final issue of the fan-creators' completed series. This thing is mind-bendingly weird, more than a little pretentious, but comes together surprisingly well at the end. I never figured I'd have spent this long on the work of someone other than Moore, but I think it pays off so much of what Moore started that it was worth it.

The issue begins with Lady Lazarus, who is really an immortal Sylvia Plath who made a deal with the devil electrocuting herself with jumper cables from a car. (There's a sentence I never thought I'd write!) As she does so, we pull up and up and see that madness is reigning on that portion of the Earth. We also hear her quote from the Plath prose story, "Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams," which I talked about last week.
Lady Lazarus: "The only thing to love is fear itself. Love of fear is the beginning of wisdom. The only thing to love is fear itself. May fear and fear and fear be everywhere."

Safe in their asteroid base, The Allies have gathered with Youngblood, Badrock, Waxey and Maximage (who we find out were rescued by teleporter) to try to deal with this disaster. And, just for fun, Janet Planet has shown up to help, too!

Meanwhile, on Conqueror Island, the three heroes help the New Men (last seen in Judgment Day: Aftermath) take down a rampaging dinosaur before heading into the research center there. Doc Rocket geeks out about the science happening there, but she doesn't get very far before they notice the mist moving in on the horizon.

Patrolling outer space, Supreme explains that he thinks the threat is coming from Idea Space, specifically the are devoted to fear and insanity. But Supreme doesn't know how the realm broke through into the real world, or how to heal it. And then, as they see the mist spreading out to more and more of the planet, they see the nuclear missiles start flying.

Then Shaft and Janet are alone working the machine and start to flirt. Really? Okay.

By the crack, Glory explains that Johnny Panic must go into the Azure and stop it from within. Johnny, thinking it's a bad idea, steps into the crack anyway. And then things go completely upside down. Literally.

Anyway, Johnny is in the Azure, along with his mother, Lady Lazarus, in a younger, more witch-like form. There's a crack open, revealing Glory and Maximage on the other side, and a glass splinter wedged into it, being the visualized form of Peter/Cosmo/Bishop's splinter from last issue.

Johnny goes to remove the splinter, but Lady Lazarus attacks, sending him into the tentacles from below who make the world fill with water. Sharks move in for the strike. Johnny, even though he knows they're not real, reacts with fear and thrashing. Because fear is more powerful than reality, Lazarus tells him.
Then she sends him hurtling down from the top of a skyscraper. And he falls through his fears, reverting into a little boy. We see his fear of the supervillains he has helped fight. We see his fear of The Goat (from issue #5). We see his fear of almost having killed Rachel's grandfather (from issue #8). We see his fear of spiders and the dark.

Li'l Johnny is hiding when an old friend shows up and offers him a hand: Sparky!
Johnny: "But... you're dead.
Sparky: "If a drug-induced hallucinatory sidekick can't come back from the dead, who can?" Ha.

Sparky thought that was great fun, but Li'l Johnny isn't so sure: "Something... didn't feel right..."

Sparky then sees another person floating in the Azure, who I think is the Veil's volunteer from page 1 of issue #1. But Johnny is realizing that Sparky was never real and that what he just participated in was how Sylvia became Lady Lazarus. And then Sparky becomes a Lovecraftian monster. But not any monster, he's the Occupant. This is the powerful version, full of all the knowledge he gained from all his inhabitants.

Doc: "Why didn't you say anything?"

Ouch. This is an interesting place to go with Johnny, who had always been treated as a wisecracking character before. But, as we've seen and will see more of, he really didn't have anyone who cared about him growing up. It's not surprising if he'd think little of himself.
Doc and Rachel become one and give Johnny a bit of a pep talk before leading him on a tour of Idea Space. I love this bit. Doc explains that there's no time in idea space, as ideas exist when an author writes them just as they exist hundreds of years later when the reader reads them. That's why Sylvia exists here at various ages.
In a very meta bit, Doc explains that only moments exist, which are called panels. When you have enough of them, they become a story. Everything is a story, including how we understand our lives.

Okay, so if all that wasn't weird enough, Johnny then goes to confront Lady Lazarus. He has the splinter and goes to get out when she shoves him underwater again. But this time he turns the shark in Jabberjaw, a Hanna-Barbera cartoon, which I vaguely remember from the Laff-A-Lympics.
Lady Lazarus: "I knew those cartoons would rot your brain!" Ha.

Johnny grabs the splinter and goes to end this, but he's wrapped up in darkness by Lady Lazarus. And she takes him back to his bedroom as a little boy, where he was afraid of monsters. And his mother would tell him that they were real and if he stayed quiet, maybe they wouldn't bite. (Sound parenting advice!)

Man, this is dark.
He remembers sneaking in and stealing a sleeping pill. It made him see things. And then Li'l Johnny sees older Johnny, from the foreshadowing scene last issue. This was his dream.

But then a pit opens (or Johnny opens it) and Lady Lazarus falls into Lord Sin's realm. Johnny tells Sin that he can't take over the Azure (and he changes Sin into the seven-headed cartoony version we've seen in Supreme). Johnny closes the pit, leaving Lady Lazarus as a trophy for Sin.

Interestingly, these are descriptions of all the series that followed the characters after Awesome. I'll get into them all later, but I think Maximage is saying that these are all different timelines that smashed together, like Doc Rocket warned inside the Azure. And then Doc is there, but she reveals that she is in fact an older, wiser version of Johnny, from "one where you put things right." Older Johnny tells him that he still has to mend the rift.

Johnny: "Um, well, I'm Johnny Panic, god of fear."
Sylvia: "Really?"
Johnny: "Sure, why not."
He gets her to explain about her suicidal feelings. Most of them come from her overbearing mother. "Do you know what it's like to have a mother trying to shape you into something you hate?"

They're in a fig tree. And as they climb down it, they climb through Sylvia Plath's life. She graduates from college and leaves for England. She marries a poet who supports her to write her own words, which will be heard by millions. She's on the radio in England, where her words, "transform the world, making it easier for girls to be who they want. To be seen and heard, even when they're in pain."
She has two children, "and maybe later on, there's a third. A boy who doesn't always do the right things or say the right words, who screws up a lot. But you'll love him anyway. And you'll comfort him when he's scared. You'll help him to eventually find his right words." I like that this is is what Johnny hopes for.
Sylvia asks what she has to do for all of this, and Johnny tells her she has to do the scariest thing of all, even when all she feels is fear. "You have to live," he tells her.
Sylvia: "I hope you're right, god of fear. I hope this can be my life."
And then she quotes her line about the love of fear again, but now the line means something different. The love of fear is the love of life. And then she goes back through the hole in the crawlspace, back to her life.

Johnny is now alone in the Azure. He grabs the panel walls and turns them as we rotate the page and then he climbs up (down?) back into his world, where Glory and Maximage wait. The mist flows past him down the hole he turned.
(Did you notice the seven stars? This is the last tarot card. So, the fool is Johnny. The tower was the terrible revelation of Darius Dax being his father. The reversed moon was the madness of Lady Lazarus and the Azure. And the star was the restoring of order to the universe.)

Badrock and Vogue say their goodbyes and it turns out that Badrock and Vogue are together (she's just using his movie fame). Shaft makes amends with Badrock before Janet Planet comes to say her goodbyes. She asks Shaft to give her a call sometime, if he's not seeing anyone.
Shaft: "What? No. I know one girl who's obsessed with me, but the feelings aren't mutual." Ha.
Then she kisses him.

While Surema and Leonard start making out in the corner, Rachel apologizes to Johnny for kicking him out of Youngblood. And Johnny apologizes for being a jerk. He says that his mom has disappeared. "So, an alternate universe where Sylvia Plath didn't die? That's a nice idea."
They joke about Johnny still hasn't completely grown up. And that's the end.
Man, did a lot happen in those two issues, which is their biggest flaw. Too many ideas, too much stuff, too much weirdness. Moore could have tackled this story and simplified it and made it more elegant, but of course Moore is long gone from the Awesome Universe. And I think that's part of it. It seems like our fan-creators decided to close out the whole Awesome universe. It's like a bookend to Judgment Day: Aftermath, which informally launched Moore's universe. It featured all the same characters and even attempted to deal with all of the craziness that's followed these characters since the end of the Awesome Universe. So it's not surprising it's packed.
But even without Moore, there's enough wonderful moments and interesting ideas that I still really like this two-parter. They even pulled out the Sylvia Plath story, which I thought was a mistake to pull in.
And then we get a 4-page epilogue that copies the journal idea from way back in the Awesome Holiday Special. Here it is if you want to read it, and I'll talk about it afterward.
Apparently that was the end of 1998. Youngblood continued, fighting villains like Stormhead and the computer program Y2K (ha ha - now I want to see that!) before the team started to fall apart.
Jeff: "It's hard to fight super villains when you've all got better things to do."
Twilight became the new Professor Night. There are rumors about Linda and her uncle, but he thinks, "I'm sure she regrets letting me get away."
A now walking Leonard (in Steve Jobs clothes) has introduced a tiny robot called the "Little Mother" that is a little cleaning robot. Die Hard and Sally look on in support. Jeff: "Even still, the poor guy probably misses my advice."
Suprema has formed a Youngblood Away Team with Skipper, a now-older Lamprey and Doc Rocket's sister, Cat. Jeff: "She says they're getting along great, but this is Suprema we're talking about, so they probably hate her guts."
Johnny is continuing to explore Idea Space in a scene that looks like the Gil Kane scenes from Judgment Day: Aftermath. Jeff: "He said Idea Space is the ultimate drug. That guy will never learn."
Doc Rocket became chief of research on Conqueror Island and even moved the Corvus there (and apparently Crow John wasn't murdered). Jeff: "Probably just a matter of time before we have to thwart another of John Crow's evil schemes."
Meanwhile, Jeff is continuing to operate out of the House of Wax, with just Waxey left to join him. Apparently Waxey says, "Everyone seems to be doing well."
Jeff: "It's sad how he's deluding himself." Ha ha.
Jeff started dating Janet Planet, but it's hard with it being a real long distant relationship. She's asked him to come out to space with her, but he hasn't decided.
And then we see him packing up his trophy room. And we get a nice bit of backstory for Jeff. Apparently he was called "Straight Arrow" as a kid in a term of derision. But he wore it as a badge of honor and worked his way into being the youngest FBI agent. They called him Doogie Howser, but in his mind, he heard Straight Arrow again.
And he remembers the original Youngblood was a mess of broken, older people. But this new Youngblood, "they weren't damaged, they were figuring themselves out."
It was a fun time for him and it helped him to realize that being a superhero could just be fun. And then he watched as they all, "went off to their new things, new friends, new family, new goals, new lives." And he's left staring at trophies.
Man, who hasn't been there? I love this idea of Shaft, remembering such a fun time, because that's what this version of Youngblood really was. But also being nostalgic for it, as he struggles to grow up and move on with his life while everyone else around him already has. I think that happens to some people.
But also, I love that what Youngblood ended up being about was about growing up. Johnny became a better person. Suprema learned to relax. Leonard learned to try to be confident. Rachel learned there was a place she wouldn't feel restless. Linda learned that her place was where she always thought it had been. And it makes sense that even teenaged superheroes would eventually grow up.
Jeff concludes, thinking about his trophies: "Now I'm left, staring at trophies, basking in the glow of remembrance. But what a glow. It was Awesome!"
What a perfect ending. Thanks fan-creators!
Next week we'll jump over to the very short-lived Glory. Unfortunately our fan-creators haven't finished off that series.
As always, please check out the Annotations Page for more details and references and be sure to let me know any that I missed.
Another great article. Thank you for doing this and for all of the others. Especially these articles on the "lost" Youngblood scripts. It is one of my favorite things that Moore has done (although there are many, many others). Thanks again!
Thanks. I’m so glad I found these to be able to share them.
DeleteI thought that the core of the issue involving Johnny, Sylvia and Occupant was really solid. Well, asides of page flips. I didn't have much problems reading them, but I didn't understand what was the point of them and what they were supposed to add to the story.
ReplyDeleteBut other than that I found the issue a bit messy with fan creators trying to address as many plot points as possible. For example, I didn't get at all what was the point of that scene with Satana. I guess your explanations in Annotations that maybe this is how she got on a wheel in Supreme #46 makes sense, but... was anyone seriously wondering how she got there?
I don't know, overall I liked it, but it left me with a feeling that this could have been much stronger finale. Sometimes less is more.
I think the flip pages had to do with the tarot reading from issue 11, but it didn't add anything and was really annoying to try to read.
DeleteI think you're absolutely right about less is more. I think that's why I ended up liking the little epilogue better than that full big story. The epilogue only focused on the characters and had some funny little bits. It was one of my favorite parts of the fan-made issues.