Supreme: The Return #4
Published by Awesome Entertainment in March 2000
The cover:
Title: And Every Dog its Day
(As always: Supreme is currently out of print. There are a number of ways to read it, which can be found on the How do I read Moore's Awesome works page.)And then another four months later, now in the year 2000, we get this issue of Supreme. Well, at least I finally got my Radar-centric issue at last.

We start in the offices of Dazzle Comics, where Diana is talking to Ethan about how Supreme dropped her off after their kiss and has seemed distant.
Ethan: "Uh, well, maybe he's hesitating because of unresolved complications..." Ha.

Ethan sneaks off to become Supreme and investigate the mess as superpuppies burst through buildings. I love this bit of caption: "How can the pearl paragon possibly prevent this plague of paranormal pooches?"

Back in the Citadel, Radar tells Suprema that he's decided to take a long walk to Betelguese because he knows he's been a bad dog. Supreme comes back and tells Suprema that after 70 years, Radar has discovered sex and left Omegapolis overpopulated with flying puppies.

Supreme quickly brings Radar back and demands an explanation. Radar explains that he decided he would like to mate and had a relationship with a sweet borzoi for a fortieth of a second. He then moved on and had relations with 378 dogs!

Supreme tries to downplay this with Suprema, "I just gave Diana a kiss before I flew her back to her apartment and..."
Suprema: "I can imagine the rest, thank you! You men are all alike!"
While I was reading this bit, I was chuckling away so much my wife asked me what I was reading.

Supreme and Radar head into the city to take responsibility for Radar's conquests. The puppies have grown at superspeed to one-year-olds. Soon they could be old enough to breed themselves!

Supreme: "What did you say to them!"
Radar: "Uh, well, I promised them all free capes and radio collars if they'd follow me." Ha!
He decides to lead them to space to get the aid of Talos and Judy: "I'll need someone with thumbs to make all the capes."

Man, this issue is so great!
Supreme tells him good luck and when he gets back, Radar is going to see a vet from Vega about some surgery supreme!
We're back at Dazzle comics and Ethan is telling Diana about the new civilization. She's complaining that she still hasn't heard from Supreme. She tells him about her ideas for Omniman, namely writing about a Supremacy-style limbo of Omnimans. "Maybe even Omnibunny!"
She's excited about the idea but angry at Supreme. Ethan tries to talk her out of it, but she declares: "Right when I think I'm getting somewhere with him, he acts all strange and runs away, just like... you?"
And she gets it.

In the backup story, "First presented in Advantage Comics #306, March 1963," we get the League of Infinity trying out some potential new members. The applicants get a tour of the Time Tower headquarters before they each present their qualifications.

After he attacks the others, Siegfried stabs him through with his sword, but that just releases him as light. Orogone Lad uses his gun to cancel out Optilux's orgone radiation, making him disperse. And so, all the new members of the League celebrate.
In the back of the book, there's an ad for a big epic battle called "Extreme Forces," which was to feature Supreme, Youngblood, Glory and other Awesome heroes:
Jeph Loeb, Ian Churchill and Rob Liefeld were to have created it, but then again, it never came to anything (as these things so often don't). Supposedly, it was to have all the characters come together to fight an ancient evil being named Skornn.
As always, please check out the Supreme Annotations Page, for more details and references and please help me by letting me know anything I missed that can be added. Thanks!
Four months for a new issue and this one came out in 2000? There would already have been quite a few ABC books out by now. I know Tom Strong #1 was released in 1999. I'd probably have been getting jealous if I were specifically a Supreme fan at the time.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, about the issue, #4 is another fun read. The super-horndog A story is a riot. It's so much fun to see Moore just playing in this little sandbox of his own mind. I do have to wonder what could happen with planets full of superdogs and super androids out there in the universe though.
The League of Infinity B story is a lot of fun. I enjoy this modern A story, old school B story with Rick Veitch format. It's too bad the money wasn't there, because I'd have kept reading comics of this quality from Moore forever. At about the time he was writing these, DC were buying Wildstorm and by extension ABC out from under him. I'd have liked to see how he'd write Superman-but-not after that happened.
Yeah, though it was hard to be solely a Supreme fan at the time when Chris Sprouse and Rick Veitch were also working at ABC. Basically you just couldn't believe your good fortune to have so many Moore series.
DeleteHave you heard the rumor that both the robot planet and Radar's planet were supposed to come and join the fight against the Daxes in issue #64? Sigh...
Yeah, Moore had developed a really nice format for his issues to make them bigger or smaller as the story dictated. Sometimes it's as interesting to see how Moore formatted a story/series as it was to read the actual story itself.
That's a great idea - to use Dazzle to expose all his problems with DC buying the ABC line. I can just imagine how that would have gone!