Supreme: The Return #1
Published by Awesome Entertainment in May 1999
The covers:
Title: Through a Glass Darkly...
(As always: Supreme is currently out of print. There are a number of ways to read it, which can be found on the How do I read Moore's Awesome works page.)

Look, your amusement on this will vary, but at this late date, it leaves me nostalgic for a time when all one had to worry about was the president's hokeyness.

In a suburb, the Slaver Ant is turning husband against wife through her propaganda chemical while stealing their children. She walks away with two babies while their parents are at each others' throats.

"At least if he's firing at me he's not concentrating on this audience of rather badly-dressed young people!" Suprema thinks. What a great character!

That was a quick way of dealing with a villain that took Supreme, The Allies and a messload of other heroes to deal with over the course of two issues before! She tells Supreme what happened and about the few hundred Bon Jovi fans that joined him in the prism world.

The Tellevillain, not wanting to face Suprema and Supreme, starts jumping from aerial to aerial again, but Supreme jolts him with static electricity. He's dazed long enough for a band of angry Friends viewers to find him and start beating on him.
I really enjoy Moore's writing when he lets loose like this and just has fun. This is exactly the kind of story DC should have been putting out for Superman for years.

Apparently Shadow Supreme killed a suprematon (those Radar suprematons get destroyed all the time!) and said it was the real pooch. Radar goes after the fake Supreme, breaking the skin and ripping his arm off. I love letter Todd Klein's small font for Supreme's protests trying to get Radar to heel.

But before that, the heroes get a lead on Slaver Ant and find her trying to make a hive for her kidnapped "family." They take her to Washington, where Shadow Supreme is arguing with Vice President Vor-Em over who's more important. Supreme drops Slaver Ant on the villains, spreading her chemicals on the brutes. They proceed to fight each other unconscious.

Hillary: "Huh? Oh, him. Yeah, sure. Whatever."
Nothing funnier than an ambitious woman, right? Groan.
As I said, your sense of humor will determine how much you like this ending, as the issue concludes with Radar flying the villains back to the Citadel to meet Suprema. But it's a fun, light story, filled with humor and inventive action. This is exactly what Moore planned as the Awesome template.
And that's it. Except, it wasn't supposed to be. According to Chris Sprouse in his Modern Masters book, there was a page 24, which he pencilled, but Awesome never published:
I had it inked...
and colored and can be seen below:
Somewhere there's a script for this page that will, hopefully, one day surface. I asked Sprouse when I saw him at a convention about it, but it doesn't sound like he has the script handy.
Okay, so, first things second. It took over a year for this issue to be published. That's because in February or March of 1998, the primary investor in Awesome Entertainment (whom I believe to be Scott Rosenberg -- chairman of Platinum Studios) backed out abruptly.
Many people believed that was it for Awesome. Someone called Alan Moore and Chris Sprouse and told them Awesome was done. The news spread and other publishers called Moore to see if he'd come work for them, which he quickly did with Jim Lee's Wildstorm. But we'll talk about that later.
Ultimately Awesome came back, though never as well organized as it did before. Here's Liefeld talking about how he decided to bring Supreme and Awesome back:
Anyway, Awesome decided to bring Supreme back, launching a newly-titled and numbered series in the middle of a two-part story. It used (most of) Sprouse's artwork. Awesome also used a variant cover from a sketch by Alex Ross that has little to do with this series (more on that in a later post this week) as well as a jumbled mishmash with all three other covers poorly stretched to fit, which Dynamic Forces sold."When Awesome went on hiatus, I put all of Alan's work away, and figured thatwe'd eventually work through all the financial issues, and develop a timelineto release all his stuff. Originally, I was going to hold onto Alan's materialbecause I had been told that America's Best Comics was going to launch inNovember of '98 through February of '99. Then, they told me that they weregoing to postpone it indefinitely as the deal with DC came to light.""Through all of this I was talking with Alex Ross who is my conscience ofsorts on Supreme. He's been very helpful in guiding creative decisions inmarketing what we have, because he is really passionate about the characterand has been very generous about helping us garner more attention for theseries. Alex told me that we should get Alan's material out before the ABCbooks hit. Originally, I wanted to wait until after the ABC debut and followhis newer stuff, but with the majority of these books done, it didn't makesense to sit on them any longer.""Now, as the solicitations come out, we're getting most of the Awesomematerial started up before the bulk of the ABC line starts, but I don't thinkthey'll compete against each other at all. The Alan Moore fan would love a newAlan Moore book every day of the week, so we're betting they're going to drinkall this stuff up."
And on that positive note, I'll see you for more Supreme next week!
This is where I say, "As always, please check out the Supreme Annotations Page, for all of the details and references that I completely missed." As I've pointed out, I've run out of the Supreme annotations by Aaron Severson and am now doing them myself. Please help me by letting me know anything I missed that can be added to the annotations. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI think I remember thinking the Hillary Clinton jokes being a bit funnier to me years ago, but...contemporary context has made that character really almost unreadable. I imagine any writer with a body of work as large as Moore's will have a few characters that are cringeworthy when you look back on them a few decades later, but his portrayal of Hillary Clinton seems at least a little sexist and mean.
It's doubly annoying when Bill (who kinda sorta seems to at least allegedly be a real life sexual predator) seems to be portrayed in a relatively playful way.
The issue itself is a ton of fun. The Bon Jovi concert made me smile. I laugh out loud every time I read Supreme's reaction to the Bon Jovi fans getting zapped. Good action, great art, snappy dialogue, this is everything you'd expect from Sprouse and Moore one more time. Awesome publication might become (even more of) a total mess at this point, but I've always really liked The Return in general. Man, renumbering halfway through a two part story is odd, isn't it?
And, wow! I never knew there was another page to this story.
I like that "Shadow Supreme" is just written on the character's head in the original image. I know that's there to clearly mark him as that guy and would disappear after ink and color, but it's still funny. That page looks great with ink and colors, by the way. I hope the script shows up.
So, speaking of the variants. I almost never buy physical copies of comics anymore, just because digital is so, so much easier. But, I have a little story about a somewhat frustrating purchase of a physical copy of this one. I was killing time at a comic shop after dropping my gf off at the airport a few months ago. I found a copy of the Alex Ross painted cover variant of this one so I picked it up for a couple bucks. When I got home, I saw it was a super special sealed copy and it would lose it's "couple bucks" value if I opened and actually read it! I've always been a reader, not a collector. The idea of buying a comic just to keep it in a bag is just silly to me.
Yeah, I remember thinking the Clinton stuff was funny at the time, but reading it now, wow. There's so much tied into both Clintons' public personas (both for good and for ill) now that it's almost impossible to remember a time when we could just laugh about them.
DeleteAh, nostalgia for the '90s, I must be old. As you say, anyway...
You can just feel Moore letting himself go and having so much fun with this issue (as he will for most of The Return). The Bon Jovi response is great, as is his not really trying to heel Radar when he's attacking the Shadow Supreme. The whole thing is just so much fun. It's really a great sendoff for Chris Sprouse.
Yeah, the last page is a weird piece to be just hanging out there. I hate those loose threads. But Awesome is littered with them.
I'm coming around to the idea of digital comics, but I'm still one of those who would prefer to wait for the trade. I'm also of two minds on variants. I love seeing them, and I really like when they do a cover gallery in the trade, so you can see them all, but I find their rareness and collector value really annoying. It's just the cover guys!
Late to the game, but I totally disagree on the Hillary Clinton jokes that Alan Moore wrote into the issue. If anything they are funnier now. This is coming from a former Hillary supporter before Bernie Sander came onto the scene.
ReplyDeleteThese were wonderful comic books. Moore did such a good job of bring fun, and joy, and light back to the medium after his darker Watchmen days. I wish that the Superme series and the wonderful Youngblood series that Moore wrote could have continued far longer than they did.
Ha ha... my complaint isn’t about the content of the Clinton jokes, it’s just that many of them are bad Saturday Night Live jokes. I do like the news report that says she’s interested in Korgo’s healthcare reform ideas.
DeleteBut yes, to your broader point, the reason I love the Awesome works for their fun, optimistic point of view. These are the books I tend to reread the most because there’s no pessimism aftertaste.
Have you read the fan-finished Youngbloods, yet? It’s so fun to have new Awesome comics.
Has anyone tried asking Todd Klein about the script to the last page? From his comments in some book about Moore I once read - can't remember which one - I got the impression he held onto scripts.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good question. I'll shoot him an email. Hopefully he's not sick of me bugging him yet.
DeleteNope, he replied that he had to return his scripts after he finished lettering them. Oh well, it was worth a try.