Supreme #54
Published by Awesome Entertainment in November 1997
The cover (which you can apparently buy here for $7,000):
Title: The Ballad of Judy Jordan
(As always: Supreme is currently out of print. There are a number of ways to read it, which can be found on the How do I read Moore's Awesome works page.)Poor Judy Jordan. She spent a lifetime pining for Supreme, only to see him take off into outer space without her and then have her mind destroyed and body stolen by Supreme's nemesis. That's pretty awful.
Fortunately, this is Awesome and Alan Moore isn't giving anyone an awful ending. So we come to Supreme #54, a beautiful little story featuring art by the three best artists who have worked on Supreme (though, this being Awesome, they managed to partially mess it up, too - but I'll explain that in a minute).
First off, we get another wonderful credits page by Todd Klein:

I'm not one for poetry, and Moore's use of verse has always been hit or miss for me. There are a few nice lines that it's tough not to appreciate: "In that cloud of heady spices/while she had not time to sneeze/tiny microbe-sized devices/stripped her of her faculties."

I love Veitch's flashback work, but his attempts at telling the modern story always felt to me like it wasn't quite fully-formed. It's too doughy or something.

One thing you can count on is Moore to think through any situation he writes about. And this seems like exactly the state Judy would be in at this point. She was created to be Supreme love interest. What is she if she can't be that?
She asks Radar to leave her alone. Later, we find out that she's donned the Supreme Woman costume and flown off. (Note the small image of Alan Moore that Rick Veitch drew into that last panel on page 8.)
The verse captions transition us from one chapter to the next.
How you're reading this issue will determine whose chapter two you get next. It turns out, through some mess up, two artists were assigned to this second chapter: J. Morrigan and Melinda Gebbie. In the issue, Gebbie's was lettered and printed in order and Morrigan's was presented as a special feature at the back of the issue. Checker, which later published the trade paperbacks and hardcovers lettered the Morrigan pages and replaced the Gebbie pages. I'll present them side-by-side in a post later this week so you can compare.

Now it's on.

Suprema brings Judy back to the Citadel, where the real Supreme is waiting. But that's for the final chapter.

And then S-1 interrupts, explaining that he might have a solution because he is an exact copy of Supreme and has independent consciousness. He admits that he's always loved Judy and asks if, now tat she's a suprematon too, she would become his wife.

This time, though, she knows what she is and she has the freedom to make up her own mind. It's an interesting distinction and a powerful reminder of the importance of free choice. But it's also a little disturbing and it makes you wonder if she should end up with S-1 considering his violation of her when she wasn't able to make a choice. I don't know what I think, but I love how Moore's taken a couple of loose ends and strung them together to make something beautiful, rich and complicated. What do you think?

In the epilogue, where Ethan is explaining the situation to Diana, he tells her that Judy and S-1, now renamed Talos, were married in a ceremony in the reconverted stadium after the Judgment Day trial with Suprema as maid of honor and Radar as best dog. It's a nice touch, again clearing away the violence and murder of the old Extreme universe and replacing it with the joy and love of the new Awesome universe.

The pair then took off for outer space, where they found a planet and started constructing a new civilization. Next, they're working on splicing their programming to create unique children.

The story ends with Ethan figuratively and literally staring off into space, possibly seeing Judy and Talos enjoying their happy ending. As the verse concludes: "So our ballad now is ended/in a crackling, chrome-lipped kiss/with Judy and her intended/in cyber-conjugal bliss."
You can call me a big softie if you like, but I love this ending for Judy and that she even got an ending. Remember that Judy was essentially Supreme's version of Superman's Lana Lang. As you may remember from Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?, Moore's ending for Lana was to be killed, burned by future villains.
The 1980s Moore left her dead, mourned, but gone. But the Moore of the 1990s was determined that the Awesome universe be more upbeat and optimistic. And so Judy died, but did not stay dead. Instead, she got the best of all possible worlds, marrying a version of Supreme and forming a new world with him, having children and having a new life filled with the adventure she was used to. Personally, I'd much rather this ending. In it's own way, this optimism is more powerful than the dark grimness that swallowed the 1980s.
As always, please check out the Supreme Annotations Page, for all of the details and references that I completely missed.