In a terrific interview about the tragedy of 1963 falling apart, Rick Veitch speculates that if 1963 had continued coming out after the special annual, Moore wouldn't have ended up working for Liefeld and likely would have brought a Superman-like character into the 1963 universe. Frankly, I didn't like 1963 that much and preferred the mix of old and new in Supreme more, but it's an interesting What If? to think about. The relevant portion is at about 49:00 below.

Having gathered quite a bit of information about Moore's Supreme and Awesome runs, I decided to create a home for the forgotten Awesome. Over the course of a year, I put it all together here.
Each week I did a main "Weekly Reading" post that was a read-through of that issue. I followed that up with a couple of other posts about topics from that Weekly Reading or whatever else I came up with to talk about. You'll find the lost Youngbloods in the Youngblood section and the fan-edit of the last Supreme in After Awesome.
Below is the archive of posts broken up by book. Thanks for checking the site out!
Book 1: Supreme: The Story of the Year
Book 1: Judgment Day
Book 3: Supreme: The Return
Book 4: Youngblood
Book 5: Glory
Book 6: After Awesome
Book 7: 1963
Book 8: Night Raven
Book 9: A Small Killing
Monday, November 23, 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Tim Seeley's cover art
I found and bought the cover art for Bloodstrike #33 because I am a big fan of the underrated series, I decided to tweet it to Tim Seeley who was awesome about it:
I think Tim Seeley might be my spirit animal.
Monday, November 16, 2020
The homage for Supreme: The Return #6
I never caught this until someone pointed it out, but the cover for Supreme: The Return #6 was a Kirby homage (as was the whole issue). I think it needed more krackle, though.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Was Judy Jordan's costume inspired by a DC reprint?
Here's an odd little thing, courtesy of my friend Rob:
So when DC reprinted Superman 123 in Superman 217, which was the first appearance of a proto Supergirl, they re-colored her orange and green. Did Alan know about this reprint to homage it for Supreme 54?
Monday, November 9, 2020
Liefeld's point of view on the end of Awesome and Supreme
Cartoonist Kayfabe interviewed Rob Liefeld and the conversation turned to Alan Moore and how Alan tried to offer a different Moore to write the third season of Supreme. That part of the conversation starts around 1:16:00.
Basically, Liefeld says that Alan wanted to keep making $10,000 an issue, but to be co-writing with Steve Moore. Liefeld refused and that was the end of Supreme. Liefeld doesn't mention that Alan was hip deep in ABC by this point and Liefeld initiated this conversation.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
How Jim Valentino helped convince Alan Moore to do Supreme
Cartoonist Kayfabe did a fun interview with Jim Valentino recently, which you can watch here. Very little of it has to do with Awesome, but there is a great little bit at 1:27:00.
When Moore says that he's not sure, Valentino uses a trick that he says Dave Gibbons taught him. He tells Alan, "We want you to do everything on Supreme that DC wouldn't let you do with Superman."
Monday, November 2, 2020
The "Moore Supreme for Me" Trivia Contest
My friend Rob and James forwarded this one to me. Apparently, Awesome had a Supreme contest. If you look at deadline date, it was almost exactly when the company died and it likely was never awarded. Sigh...