Featuring art by David Lloyd, the series featured the first appearance of the Special Executive, a group of mercenaries that Moore would write into his Captain Britain run and Chris Claremont would bring into Excalibur years later.
Mainly I love this story because it shows an early example of Moore's excellent ability to write a time-travel story. Here's all three parts:
You can read more about Dr. Who and the More backups here. As far as I can tell, it's not in any current reprint.
Shameless plug
One more project I'm working on: A friend and I have created a comic book called Miskatonic High. Five teens take on H.P. Lovecraft’s monsters and their small-town high school … They’re just not sure which is worse.
We successfully launched the first four issues on kickstarter, and are just finishing up our fifth, which you can buy (PDF or physical copy) from here. It has received plenty of rave reviews:

The Pullbox called it “the bastard lovechild of John Hughes & H.P. Lovecraft.” (We’re pretty sure they meant that in a metaphorical way, because if that’s literal, well… ewww.) Read the full review
Goshdarn Geeky raved of issue 2: "Miskatonic High has proven it can hit us right in the heart with a character-centric story that goes past the cosmic horror, and I hope it can continue to deliver." Read the full review